Groupe Novafer - Lormafer

Our Strategy

Our strategy 

Our strategy is based on the differentiation of our services offer and hinges on 3 strategic objectives:

  1. Reach the excellence in our customer satisfaction (to be different from the others)
  2. Improve our operations’ profitability (to thrive and finance the development)
  3. Develop innovative services offers ( to create value for us and our customers)

Our four development priorities consist of :

  1. Technical wagons : nuclear and tank wagons, upgrade/retrofitting/refurbishment
  2. Mobile of-site interventions :
    • Two teams fully dedicated to off-site repair and maintenance work carried out within a reach of 350km or beyond for specific missions
    • Approvals « Chemical Risks Levels 1 & 2 » / certified for explosive environment/ATEX zone
  3. Frequent rail shuttle, Garage, Spare parts and Trainings
    • Ease the flow (arrival & departure) of wagons to/from LORMAFER with high-frequency shuttle and 850 garage spaces
    • Reduce wagon downtime with maximum availability of spare parts (dedicated inventory, expertise in specs)
    • Certified training sessions with over 200 technicians trained per annum
  4. Railtrack construction machinery : Technical expertise and need for specific buildings and tooling (lifting, space, weight, responsiveness)